Today I am going to share our engagement story!! Lets jump in!
So started dating in December. The new year came and we rang it in with an 80's party! What a blast.
After we entered the new year talks of marriage started to begin. What it would look like, could he handle me for the rest of our lives, could I take him for that long. We soon decided that there would be no reason for that not to happen. I started picking out rings on Etsy.com since they are hand made and totally more my style then anything else I had come across before in my girly endeavors of planning my future wedding. I made a list and gave them to Misty to pass along to him. I was excited. I knew it was coming but I had no idea when or how soon.
So, the end of January Misty and I flew to Florida and stayed for a long weekend and made the trek back to Oregon with my car! I called my dad and figured I would give him a heads up about mine and Nathanael's decision. Just let him know that it was coming and make sure he was cool with that. After telling him he said, "OH! WOW! He told me he would be proposing on Valentine's day! He did it early?" to which I replied, "Um... I don't know what you're talking about." Needless to say my dad felt horrible!! I didn't know what to do. I ended up letting him know which he played off to be totally fine. We celebrated Valentine's day early and it came and went. No ring. Not even a card.... Until I mentioned it. His plan was to give me my card on the REAL Valentine's day. I was bummed.
We ended up planning a trip to the coast. I couldn't wait! I LOVE the Pacific ocean. I got butterflies driving there. I thought FOR SURE he would do it there. He knew how much I loved it there. We went early, stayed all day, played games at an arcade, ate ice cream, played in the water, watched the sunset.
Nothing. On our way home we decided to stop for dinner at a cool little place that had a huge statue of Sasquatch out front. Still nothing.
I figured it wasn't going to happen anytime soon and that was fine. It would happen. I just needed to be patient. Then February 26th rolled around and he wanted to take me to dinner at my favorite place (Thanks Misty for taking me there first) in Portland, Sapphire Hotel (Where we got engaged). Its a really cool low lite old brothel. They had super yummy food and Nathanael had never been. We got to the house and I asked him to change into jeans because shorts weren't Sapphire attire. He took that as I knew something because he thought I was checking out his pockets for anything ring shaped. I had no idea. He went and got changed and we left. When we got there it was packed so I suggested we just sit at the bar which threw him off big time. He was like we can go there to wait but we are getting a table. I kept looking at him like stop making such a big deal about getting a table you're embarrassing me. But he kept insisting. We ended up getting a table right by the front window. We had a great cheese platter (my person favorite) and some butternut squash enchilada. Delicious! Then he started saying all these really nice things and thanking me for all I did for him, to which I kept saying "you're welcome". Finally he told me to stop and listen to him and he reached down and when I looked back he was on his knee. I started crying and had him get up and sit next to me. He put the ring on my finger and said, "does this mean yes?" to which I responded, "I'll think about it." JUST KIDDING! I said yes or I shook my head. I cant remember. All I remember is looking up and the group of people standing outside waiting on a table were clapping and cheering! It was really cool. We paid, left, and got to the car before I even looked at the ring. I started calling everyone back home which was kinda lame since it was after midnight there and even though they were given the heads up to answer not many did (thanks 3 hour time difference). We drove to get frozen yogurt at my favorite place Skinny Dip (FROYO) for desert. We ended the night heading back over to Chris and Misty's to hang out and share the great news (which they already knew). It was a beautiful evening. Truly a night I wont ever forget! And the best part... I was surprised :D

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