Our daughter was born April 25, 2011 at 12:21am (21 mins AFTER Easter which is significant because my "guess date" was Good Friday and either Easter or Good Friday would have been appropriate since her initials spell LAMB!)
She had a very exciting and fast birth! I'll share that later.
Since Lydia, our lives have changed dramatically. Well, for us anyway. I became a stay at home mom, which I absolutely love! I am very blessed to have a husband that encourages me all the time and wants me to stay with her. Hes pretty much amazing.
This (almost) year with her has been crazy. Its been full of stress, fun, love, and excitement! I cant wait to see where the rest of these next couple of months lead us. I cant believe its almost been a year since she arrived here with us!
Congratulations on the blog! Feel free to visit mine as well. BTW . . . any chance you'll share the "recipe" for your baby wipes? Are you saving money with them like the laundry detergent? Also . . . the detergent, have you had any trouble using it on Lydia's clothes and blankets? Thanks honey. Happy Friday.
ReplyDeleteThanks!! I will be sure to do so! I love these things! LOL
ReplyDeleteThe baby wipes were super easy! I used two recipes to make ours and since we are trying to do things more organically it was a little more than what you could do. Some of the recipes I found were just water, baby oil, and baby shampoo. They recommending using Johnson's baby products. Since we don't use those I found another route! I'll post a blog about it and see what other recipes I can add up there!! Feel free to share any fun recipes if you have them! I'm totally down with learning more!! I've found the initial cost of the wipes was probably more the a pack of wipes but all the ingredients will last for a LONG time! I've even marked down when I made them and I'm interested to see how long it is before I have to buy any more ingredients!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE our laundry detergent! I use it on everything except her diapers and wipes (Just cause the wipes go in the same load!) She hasn't had any problem with the detergent at all.
Thanks for checking out my blog! I'm super excited for this journey! Mama needs an outlet! :D I'm going to post those recipes now and check out your blog! Have a beautiful day!