Friday, November 13, 2015

Happy Birthday London!!

October 22nd, 2015  - 41 weeks and 3 days into my pregnancy with London. 

At 4 AM I was woken up by a pretty strong contraction. It felt different and I just knew that I was in early labor. 
The day before I had an appointment with my midwife and I asked her to check me and see if I was dilated and was showing any progression. I was only 3cm and about 80% still. So she swept my membranes for me to see if that would start anything. We made a plan for her to come check me the next afternoon to see where we were.  
Back to the next morning, I decided to get up and wake my mom up to let her know what I was thinking. She immediately got up and started cleaning... True mom fashion. 
A few minutes later I asked her to call my midwife because my contractions had gotten stronger and closer together. She talked to Kim at 4:15 AM and asked to come. My contractions had gone from ten minutes apart to three minutes apart. Kim had to finish up at the birth center and wait for back up so she sent her student midwife to head our direction and she would be right behind her. Nathanael woke up right after the phone call and started calling and texting everyone else in between timing my contractions for me. I worked through my contractions standing at the end of the couch. I knew that sitting on the toilet would only make things happen faster and I felt like things were moving pretty quickly already. Our birth photographer showed up first. She was amazing and super reassuring the whole time. I really appreciated her comfort in that time. Hillary and Audrey showed up a few minutes later and somehow around the same time. Still not sure how Audrey made it that quickly from Tampa... and I dont think I want to know. ;) Right around the same time Lucie, the student midwife, arrived. I kept working through my contractions standing at the end of the couch in front of the front door. Lucie started setting supplies up so they would be all ready for Kim when she arrived. I remember saying something about needing to push soon and being reassured that Kim would be there soon and then I realized that we werent going to have time for Kim to get there. A few moments later my water broke. Nathanael said, "That was her water breaking!" and pulled my pants down. Lucie called Kim and got her on speaker phone when I felt London's head come out. I said, "I feel her head!" and when Lucie looked she couldnt see if at first and then I moved a little and there is was. Kim kept reminding me to pace my breathing and let my body do what it needed to do. Not to force the pushing. 3 pushes total and she was out!! Born into Lucie and Nathanael's arms at 5:26AM. Through the tears of joy and excitement I heard Kim say, "Congratulations Elysia. You did it! She's here!"
Lee Anne, our photographer, asked them to hand me London through my legs and then they got the couch set up so I could sit down. It was a beautiful moment to realize that she was here and healthy. She was pink and she cried. She came out wide eyed and looking around. SUCH an amazing experience. 
Right as I was getting to sit down on the couch Lydia woke up. My mom went and got her out of bed so she could meet her new baby sister. She came up to me, looked at everything, and said, "its not as disgusting as I thought mom!" (A few months prior her oldest cousin told her how the whole birth process worked and Lydia thought it was the most disgusting thing ever.)
After Kim arrived and check us both out I delivered the placenta and Nathanael cut London's cord. Then we got to have our bonding time. She latched and nursed immediately like a pro. This mama couldnt have been happier!! Her newborn exam went great and she was already a pooping champ! ;) She weighed in at 8lbs 12oz and was 21 inches long with a 14inch head and chest! During all of that Leonora woke up and once London was cleaned up they got to meet while I went to take a shower. After my shower Kim came in and said, "So Lucie how was your first catch by yourself?" Wide eyed I said, "Huh?!" Lucie said, "It was AWESOME!" Hahahahah!! 
It was such a wonderful, fast experience and it went just how it was supposed to! 
Welcome to the world little London!! You are loved. So so much!!

I'm going to post some labor and delivery pictures so if you want to see them keep scrolling!! If not the fun stops here :D


1 comment:

  1. What beautiful pictures!!! So many are so happy that Miss London is here and healthy!
