We finally got to throw
Lydia's first birthday!! I am so glad we got to have her party and it be
a success. I know, I know, its a first birthday and shes not going to
remember it. However, I have a slight reputation for my parties that I
need to uphold... Toot toot. Is that horrible? LOL Anyway, it ended up
being a really nice party for her and even though she was extremely
overwhelmed by it all she ended up really getting into it and having
fun. She told me so! ;) So, thank you to everyone who had a hand in
pulling this off. I really appreciate it and I'm sure if Lydia knew she
would too. The girl got some really killer new toys. One of her
favorites is a shopping cart. I know what you're thinking... one of those
yellow, blue, and red plastic shopping carts! WRONGO! This thing is a
beast. Heavy duty, for real, ain't playing shopping cart! Like, I want to use it when I go shopping at Publix... except for I'm too tall! She has had so
much fun walking around the house with that thing! (Thank you Mama H).
She really did get a lot of cool things though. We are surrounded by
awesome people who are extremely thoughtful. I don't know what I did to
be surrounded by such love, but holy cow I could NEVER deny it!
Playing patty cake |
Photo op with Xander |
Her "What is this?!" look |
"all done" |
Since the party everyone in the house, except Nathanael, has gotten that nasty cough/sinus/gross cold thingy. We are recovering in just enough time to be healthy for our trip to VERMONT!! We leave on Wednesday (5/29) to fly up and visit my dad and Cindy for five days! I am so looking forward to a change of scenery and some relaxing time with my hubby. I'm pretty excited about Nathanael getting to see my dad's place for the first time.... Not so excited about the actual flying with Lydia for the first time part but I'm sure she will do great. Please pray for that! I'm sure we will come home with tons of pictures and hopefully a few fun stories! Until then I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your holiday weekend and a great next week or so since we will be "off the grid" for those days.... well at least off the cyber world!! Love you all!!