Sunday, February 10, 2013

Feeding Tube Awareness week!

Today is the first day of the 3rd annual feeding tube awareness week. Something I was unaware of until a few short weeks ago. I never realized how many people actually depend on feeding tubes. Leonora has had a feeding tube off and on since she was 3 days old. Its crazy to think that she has been pretty dependent on a feeding tube for all her life. Its a situation that, for me, is extremely hard to digest. When making the decision to get the g tube I felt at ease. I knew we were going to get home soon and it had been a LONG 7 weeks away from home. I never even thought of the struggles we would have once we got home. Not even just with Leonora but the mental and emotional side of feeding tubes. Its a lot more than I ever realized. I'm going to link the official video for this years feeding tube awareness week. It might not hit you like it hit me and thats okay. But I feel that its extremely important to share. Just so everyone who watches can know a little inside to how tubie parents are feeling and so tubie parents ourselves will know we arent alone! I watched it and was fine until a certain point and then I lost it. Knowing we arent alone in this is releiving. It doesnt make the stress go away or the mental block that I have disappear but it does ease a little bit of the blow knowing there are others who are in it with us! Happy feeding tube awareness week! We love all the tubies(especially the ones who have recently come into our lives!)! You guys are so strong!Feeding tube awareness video

Tubie girl

Lydia loving on Leonora

Sleeping while we vent her tube!