Here we go! (FYI There are some pictures... none are graphic. Just a fair warning!)
Let me start off with this. I was "due" November 5th. That day came and went. I didn't think much of it because with Lydia I went 40 weeks and 2days. After 40 weeks came and went and I was headed quickly into 41 weeks I began to get discouraged and tired. Thinking back on my many thoughts of "this baby is never going to come" are now silly. Babies always show up... it might just take a little longer for some to come around.
Anyhow, November 16th I started having a few contractions. Nothing major, no pain. Just a few every now and again. No big deal. They started coming a bit closer together after I drank my Castor oil milkshake (yes, I WAS THAT desperate.... TWICE!). I called my midwife, Kim, and she decided she had better head over. She came over and timed my contractions, checked the baby's heartbeat, my blood pressure, and started me on some herbal supplements to make my contractions stronger. She was there with her student midwife, Emily. About an hour into their visit and some walking the block in the cold with Hillary and Nathanael, we decided that this wasn't going anywhere. My contractions had stopped. Just stopped. Everyone went home and I went to bed. Nothing. Major let down. I had another appointment with her on the 19th. Everyone was hoping I wouldn't make it to the appointment. That I would have the baby sooner. Sure enough I made it to the appointment where we decided to sweep my membranes. I ended up being 2cm dilated and 50-75% effaced. It didn't do anything though. I think maybe some cramping but that was it. I kept in close contact with Kim for the next few days trying to decide what to do since we were rapidly closing in on 42 weeks. We decided that another round of Castor oil milkshakes were in the plan. So, I started them up again. Wednesday the 21st of November (41 weeks and 6 days) at 9AM I drank my second Castor oil milkshake. I had Nathanael stay home from work and my mom watched Lydia. I texted Kim and Hillary to let them know they deed had been done (or was being done). About a half an hour later the milkshake came back to haunt me. I couldn't keep it down (sorry! But its part of the story). I immediately texted Kim and asked her what to do. She said to come in to the office and she would check to see my progress (if there was any). She checked me and sure enough.... No change! BLAH! We decided to go ahead and sweep my membranes again and see if that helped. She got me to 4cm before I left the office. We decided that the plan would be to go home rest, maybe do some walking, squats, anything to get contractions going (You name it, I tried it!) and if nothing happened by 7 PM she would be on her way to my house to break my water! The drive home was exciting! I felt some cramping. Maybe a few slight contractions but nothing major. I was going to have my baby SOON! Like really soon. I would finally get to meet her face to face by early morning at the latest! I called Hillary to give her an update. I also texted Audrey and asked if she would come. I had a feeling I might need extra hands with Lydia and needed an extra calming spirit! When we got home I rested on the couch while mom and Nathanael made sure everything was prepared. Nothing more happened contraction wise. Kim texted around 6PM to see how I was. She decided to head over to the house after dinner and see if we couldn't get the ball rolling. She arrived around 7:45PM and we got right down to business. Lydia had fallen asleep per her schedule so we used my mom's room to break my water in. My water was broken around 8:15PM. I labored in the living room, chatting and laughing between contractions. Holding onto Nathanael when they got stronger. They came on quickly after my water broke (just like they did with Lydia). After a bit Kim told me she thought it would be okay for me to get in the water. Hillary, Audrey, and Nathanael had been heating up pot of water to pour into the pool to keep it warm enough. Lydia woke up sometime after me getting in the pool so my mom held her on the couch and she fell back asleep quickly. I got in the pool and allowed myself to go to my birth place in my mind. But I couldn't get comfortable. I remembered with Lydia being most comfortable on the toilet but this time I couldn't find my spot. I labored in the pool while being given ice water and having frozen towels (thank you Audrey for that idea!!) put around my neck. Nathanael was in the pool with me being my rock the entire time. Every time I moved he got onto his hands and knees so I could lean on him like a table.
About ten minutes before Leonora was born I went to the bathroom to sit on the toilet thinking it would be more comfortable. I was wrong. But as I walked down the hall to the bathroom I heard Kim say, "Are you going to make it back?" I said, "I don't know." to which her reply was, "ummm... okay. Well, let me know if you feel her head." It was pretty hysterical. I wish I had the energy to laugh then!
I made it back to the tub where I started to get the urge to push... I thought. I wasn't totally sure. I even said, "I think I'm pushing." So, I went with it. And with a few "Oh my God"s and one quick leg movement Leonora was born! Big sister even woke up just in time to meet her little sissy. 10:26PM November 21st, 2012. Two and a half hours BEFORE Thanksgiving (Lydia was 21 mins AFTER Easter). Two and a half hours before my 42 week mark. Four pushes. She was covered in vernix and had a head full of dark, thick, curly hair. After (almost) 42 weeks my second beauty was here. At home. In the water. Just like I had planned. My labor and delivery was beautiful.
Filling the pool |
First hard contraction |
My rock |
Trying not to break Mrs. Areline's fingers |
Lovey and big sister |
Hiney and Lydia |
Shes here! |
Newborn exam |
My second little lamb |