Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Lydia-Lou's birthday!

 My little baby is going to be one soon. I cant believe how fast time has gone. I was looking at pictures this morning from her first week here and it is hard to believe that it all happened almost 12 months ago. Since I'm kind of a party freak I've planned a pretty cool (at least I think it will be :D) birthday party for my little tiny. I've decided on a Dr. Seuss theme since he is one of my favorite authors! 
I'm going to toot my horn for a second here because I'm really proud of the work I've put in to this thing so far.
 This is the Grinch I drew for "pin the heart on the Grinch" He still has a little work left to him but for the most part he is ready to party!
This is Lydia's birthday party outfit! I am really proud of this! I didn't use a pattern and its all done by hand since my machine has been acting up! But I love it!!

AND it fits!! YAY! There are a few more things that have been done but these were the two that I was most proud of! I also have a great crew of creative hands that have been and will be helping me pull of this birthday party! I am forever thankful to have such wonderful friends in my life!! I know that this party will be a true celebration of Lydia coming into our lives and I appreciate each and every one of you who loves her enough to be a part of her special day! We love you Lydia Lou Who! :D
Thanks for letting me toot my horn for a little while! Have a beautiful day!